Corporate Governance signifies the manner in which Companies are directed and controlled. Good governance is an essential ingredient in corporate success and sustainable economic growth. The Board of Directors of Browns Beach Hotels PLC is committed to maintain high standards of integrity, accountability, transparency and business ethics in the governance of the Group. The Group is primarily guided by the Code of Best Practice on Corporate Governance issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, the Listing Rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange and other codes of Professional Institutes, Chambers of Commerce and Industry Associations. The report below sets out the Corporate Governance principles practiced by the organization.
Chairman’s Introduction
Dear Stakeholder,
I am pleased to have the opportunity once again to introduce the Group’s Corporate Governance report. This section of the Annual Report sets out the rules, practices and processes that directs and controls your Company and the Group. A strong Corporate Governance framework that is appropriate to the Company’s size, nature, complexity and the risk profile enables Browns Beach Hotels PLC to manage the businesses, the needs of stakeholders, regulators and the market. This framework supports the prudent management of the Company to preserve its reputation and ensure the fair and equitable value creation for shareholders, investors, business partners and other stakeholders.